Hypnotherapist In Brentwood & Essex

What is Anxiety ?

How Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Can Help With Anxiety

Most of us feel anxious from time to time even if we don't like to acknowledge it. However feeling anxious occasionally and having anxiety are two differnt things.


When we have anxiety we are worried, fearful & thinking negatively, this becomes our default way of feeling, behaving & thinking. We will overthink things, some of us will experience panic attacks where our heart will race, we may become sweaty & our stomachs will churn. We can feel threatened by anything & everything. Just trying to live our every day lives can be a struggle.


Worrying about what might happen in the future or "negative forecasting" is a very common symptom of anxiety. An anxious brain is permanently on "high alert", looking out for the next thing to worry about. This leads to a vicious circle of negativity and can be exhausting!


So you may wonder how Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help with this. It helps because it looks forward, not back. Accepting how our past has formed our current behaviours and frame of mind BUT focusing on how we would like our future to be. We do this by using a combination of talking therapy, hypnosis and creating realistic steps & solutions for you to acheive that future more positve less worried self. Replacing negative forecasting with positive forecasting. 

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