Privacy Policy


How will my data be stored? 

In May 2018 the Data Protection Act was replaced by the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The changes to the Data Protection Act are aimed at ensuring that your personal, confidential and sometimes sensitive data, is held privately and securely.

How long will you hold my information for?

I am a registered student member of The National Council for Hypnotherapy and the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy; under these organisations’ guidelines I am obligated to keep any written records securely for 8 years after the last interaction with an adult client. 

What if I would like my data to be destroyed before this date? 

Under GDPR rules, you can request the deletion of any of your records at any time. I would then keep a record of that request. Any such request must be made in writing

Am I able to see or get a copy of the information held by you?

Yes, in line with GDPR you can obtain a copy of the information I hold within 30 days by submitting a written request.

What are your Reasons for collecting this information?

To gain a wider understanding of your life, your situation, any medical conditions & what you would like to achieve from our sessions. To keep a track of your progress and wellbeing, for your safety & the safety of others. To present our sessions within my course while training, in the form of case studies & for the advice from supervisors.

How do I know that you will store my information securely? 

Any written records of our sessions will be kept in a locked cabinet/box and any electronic records under password protection. Both methods are accessible to only me and are in line with GDPR requirements.

Are our discussions within the hypnotherapy sessions confidential? 

Yes, everything we discuss in sessions is confidential, unless I need support from my supervisor, or I believe that you are at risk of harm to yourself of another person.

What if I see you outside of a hypnotherapy session? 

If I see you in public outside of a session, I will not acknowledge you, unless you acknowledge me first.  Some people do not disclose to family or friends that they are receiving therapy and so I will not interact with you unless you initiate it.

Will you discuss information about me with other health and social care professionals? 

Only if I deem it necessary & with your written consent.


ICO Registration Number ZB542867


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